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叶水福物流(成都)有限公司-最新招聘信息 已有 31335 人关注

叶水福物流(成都)有限公司 查看企业评价

公司性质: 私营企业

所属行业: 物流公司

所在地区: 四川-成都市

公司地图: 成都市三环路西一段高碑村大合仓(川藏立交桥旁三环内侧)  叶水福物流(成都)有限公司



Founded in 1955, YCH Group is the leading integrated end-to-end supply chain management and logistics partner to some of the world’s largest companies, including Dell, Motorola, Canon, ExxonMobil, B Braun, LVMH and Royal FrieslandCampina. YCH Group’s suite of innovative award-winning end-to-end supply chain management solutions - Intribution?, Intrabution?, Retrogistics?, Y-Merge? and V-Hub? - employ cutting edge web-technologies that are best-in-class across industry clusters from consumer and electronics to chemical and healthcare, to deliver powerful competitive advantages for customers. The Singapore-based company currently operates throughout Asia-Pacific, including Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Hong Kong, Australia, China, India, Vietnam and Korea. 

A strong proponent of innovation, YCH is recognized for its 7PL? approach in seamlessly integrating supply chain strategy with execution to attain success in the SCM industry. YCH attained the highly-regarded Singapore Innovation Class in October 2005 and was a consecutive winner of the highly-regarded Frost & Sullivan ASEAN 4 Logistics Awards for being Singapore’s Best Domestic LSP and Best IT/Electronics LSP two years in a row. As a forerunner in worldwide supply chain security, YCH is the first recipient of the ISO ******: 2007 certification for excellent security management in the global SCM industry. Recently, YCH also clinched the prestigious National Infocomm Award 2008 for its RFID-enabled ‘High Performance Supply Chain Nerve Centre’ and was conferred the ‘Asian 3PL of the Year’ award by Supply Chain Asia in 2007, 2008 and 2009.


职位名称 工作地区 学历要求 工作经验 性别 招聘人数 薪资待遇 更新日期  
进货主管(新津) 成都市 不限 不限 不限   1 3000-4499 月薪 2016-08-16   展开
资深报关员 成都市 大专及以上 不限 不限   1 面议 2017-02-20   展开
理货/搬运 成都市 不限 不限 不限   若干 面议 2016-05-16   展开
库管员 成都市 不限 不限 不限   若干 面议 2016-05-16   展开
仓库主管 成都市 不限 不限 不限   若干 面议 2016-05-16   展开
inventory control 库存控制员 成都市 不限 不限 不限   若干 面议 2016-05-16   展开