

应付会计 AP Accountant

薪酬: 面议 均可
上海 5-7 年
学历不限 2022-04-19



1 每月将采购提供的发票挂账到INFO系统并且及时安排付款核销预付款
Input AP invoices into INFO Arrange the payment and apply prepayment in time monthly
2 制作应付账款的明细表,每月对帐
Create schedule of accounts payable monthly reconciliation.
3 完成每月现金账目且核对现金实物及账目是否一致
Complete cash vouchers booked in time,and keep balance with cash in hand
4 完成每月成本基础核算
Complete cost calculate monthly
5 管理公司固定资产无形资产
Deal with the Intangible assets the Fixed assets monthly
6 完成每月工业园区统计报表
Complete industrial statistics to the XinZhuang Industry area monthly
7 审核销售报价中的材料成本
Review the sales quotation of the material cost
8 完成每月供应商进项发票认证
Complete vendor invoices online certification monthly
9 每月凭证的整理与装订
Pack up and bind up vouchers ledgers and supporting documents monthly
10 编写相关操作流程
Create SOP
11 配合年度审计,提供相关资料
Support audit, provide relevant information
12 完成上级交办的其他工作
Complete other tasks assigned by the leadership
1 学历和专业Degree and Majority
(1) 大专及以上会计及相关专业
Junior college and above, accounting or relevant discipline
2 培训和资历 Training and Qualification
(1) 会计上岗证
Accounting certificate
3 工作经验Years of Working Experience
(1) 从事9年以上实践工作经验。
Greater than 9 years of related accounting experience.
4 核心技能和素质Key Skills and Competency
(1) 熟悉财务流程。
Familiar with Finance process
(2) 良好的人际交往能力。
Good human communication ability
(3) 具有一定的谈判技巧。
Negotiations skill
(4) 具备亲和力。
Good appetency
